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Voted “Best of the Best 2020: CBD Shop” as tabulated by Colorado Community Media.

Thank you for your continued support!

Best of the Best 2020 | Colorado Community Media

Bridget Sheils is co-owner of the CBD of Arvada American Shaman franchises, which opened in Arvada in 2019. The shops are the first CBD products retailers to open in Arvada, and the first of the CBD American Shaman brand in Colorado.

Member Spotlight | Arvada Chamber of Commerce

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CBD Arvada American Shaman
Based on 7 Reviews
Abbey T.
Abbey T.
2023-06-13 16:39:25
Susie W.
Susie W.
2019-12-09 09:58:59
Jo U.
Jo U.
2019-02-18 14:19:03